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        Global Voices Online - The world is talking. Are you listening?
        Sunday, November 02, 2008
        Palin's foreign affairs experience expanding by the day
        A Canadian comedian, pausing as the French president - Nicolas Sarkozy had an interesting chat with Sarah Palin. They talked about hunting ("killing two birds in one stone"), living next to foreigners, beauty and jealousy... You don't have to take my words - listen for yourself. You can read about it, too.

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        posted by Fikirte @ 8:50 AM   0 comments Digg!
        Saturday, November 01, 2008
        Discussing politics 101: Stick to issues & exercise freedom of speech
        With age comes a lot of baggage. The more baggage we lag along, the more likely we are to obscure issues. The video clip below is a brilliant reminder, to me, of how much of the political bickering sticks out in my head rather than the issues.

        It's also a reminder that it's OK to have opposing political views and still be civil to each other. It surely is OK to talk about those opposing views. I'm in a way answering to people who told me "we don't talk politics in this country." A Democrat woman told me her Republican brother warned her not express her views at his dinner party "because all of his friends are Republicans."

        CNN had a report on two college roommates - a McCain supporter African American and Obama supporter European American - and the title of the report was "Sleeping with the Enemy". Why? Why are they considered enemies?

        So, here are two kids telling us "we can think and talk different, and still we can get along" - indirectly, that is.

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        posted by Fikirte @ 7:04 AM   0 comments Digg!
        The face of VAW

        Kamilat - victim of acid burning The face of VAW - violence against women. It should and can be stopped with enough commitment. Helping one woman at a time is a start.
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