Sunday, February 26, 2006 |
Follow up on Kalashnikov, fish and sex |
 Remember my post on Kalashnikof for Fish...? The irony of the Nile Perch import from The Great Lakes is that there are thousands of people in the region who are living in abject poverty. Democratic Republic of Congo is one example. I know, democratic republic is a contradiction in America, but Africa is full of countries which are both. A simple explanation for this is that the term is a politically correct synonim for dictatorship.
There is a UN mission that is traveling central Africa to bring the situation to the attention of the international community (the majority of which doesn't give a damn or is busy fighting its own battles), and to raise funds for their respective organizations so that they will be able to continue helping people bla, bla, bla.... I'm (just) thinking here (and it's Sunday afternoon for such strenuous activity), but how about ensuring that the people of Congo benefit from the fish import? How about enforcing a rule that the Russians cannot pay with Kalashinkovs any longer. Only cash and food aid, please. And, tax them big time while making the importers sponsor humaniterian volunteers to build the contries of the region, especially DR(D) Congo.... Politics willing, this can be done, and don't you think it will help a little?
You know how I know that it can be done if the will is there? Because I read about this incredible untouchable woman in India, who single handedly started a campaign against alcoholism in her village and now she is scheduled to address a UN convention not just about alcoholism, but about women’s issues. She’s leading a group of pissed off women who don’t take any nonsense from men. No "Ask your doctor for the Purple Pill", no fancy rehab center or “Call 1 800 booze - it’s free and your anonymity is safe with us…”. Just “shave [the men’s] heads, garland them with shoes and parade them around the village to shame them into kicking the bottle.” Don’t forget she’s achieving all these despite the fact that she is poor, a woman and an “untouchable”, which is an ironic title in this context. So if Ms. Girija Devi can do it, so can the UN. |
posted by Fikirte @ 4:27 PM

- name<="c114101890673485724" id="c114101890673485724">
I am deeply humbled by the story of Ms Devi. How can I ever hold up my head if I do not do everything I can given my talent (and we all have a gift, be it singing, writing, publicspeaking, teaching future world leaders, blogging) for the good of my community.
I am humbled, I am challenged but most of all, I am motivated do be "unstoppable" as I live my dream and that is to bring honor to God thru' service of my community.
And if the UN will not do what it should because it cannot agree with itself or its cheerleaders have not all paid their dues, I will go on, alone if I have to and fight for the cause.
If Ms Devi can so can I! The buck stops with me! And that is a vote from one who has outlived the political drama of a democratic republic.
- name<="c114105532109689774" id="c114105532109689774">
Often we mistakenly think that a problem of large magnitude can be solved only with large financial, material and human resources. But, Ms. Davi shows the world that it only takes the will, commitment and nerves to make a difference.
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I am deeply humbled by the story of Ms Devi. How can I ever hold up my head if I do not do everything I can given my talent (and we all have a gift, be it singing, writing, publicspeaking, teaching future world leaders, blogging) for the good of my community.
I am humbled, I am challenged but most of all, I am motivated do be "unstoppable" as I live my dream and that is to bring honor to God thru' service of my community.
And if the UN will not do what it should because it cannot agree with itself or its cheerleaders have not all paid their dues, I will go on, alone if I have to and fight for the cause.
If Ms Devi can so can I! The buck stops with me! And that is a vote from one who has outlived the political drama of a democratic republic.