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Thursday, April 06, 2006
The world asked Ethiopian villagers
Here is what the world asked villagers in Moyale regarding the drought in South Eastern Ethiopia.
The answers clearly show factual discrepencies at all levels. There is obviously a huge gap between the central government's version of development and what people in the village conceive as development, HIV/AIDS awareness in villages and towns, the needs and help available (I couldn't help chuckling while reading about LVIA, an Italian NGO, building an abattoir - what do I know? May be there is a need for it)and 'free market' principles and the trade restrictions which affect villagers in Moyale. I was really surprised to read a comment from Addis Ababa, the capital, that some people in the capital have not heard of the drought in the South.
The politics of food aid has not escaped the participants either. Adan Aliyo has this to say about it.
Those helped in the Somali region got 15kg The aid is coming from the government's DPPC (Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Commission) and the sacks have European Community and USAid written on them.
Just a thought here Wouldn't it be something if development agencies follow the BBC's example and do such kind of discussions with villagers before they design their projects?
Kamilat - victim of acid burning
The face of VAW - violence against women. It should and can be stopped with enough commitment. Helping one woman at a time is a start. Go to the blog