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        Monday, July 10, 2006
        The ridiculous side of the beautiful game
        Imagine how ridiculous the headline "CEO of a US company denies using the internet in the merger deals with Indonasia" BBC’s "FIFA denies video evidence claims" sounds equally ridiculous.

        What is wrong in using modern technology to assist soccer referees????

        FIFA doesn’t seem to agree with that. Now they have to defend the referee’s decision to send Zidane off because the French coach is challenging them on the premises that the fourth official has watched the video replay of Zidane headbutting Materazzi on the chest and advised the referee… Who cares? Watch the damn video already. The referee is just a human being in a huge field trying to catch up with 22 pumped up athletes and keep his cool. Rewind, press play and decide. What’s the big deal about watching the video? It’s just ridiculous.

        If FIFA is so against modern technology, let the players start walking to South Africa now. They’ll make it just before 2010.

        On an unrelated argument, I felt bad for Zidane and I really believe that Materazzi was mouthing off so bad to deserve it. I don’t believe that Zidane should be accused of reacting like that – sometimes a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. The only thing is I wish Zidane did what he had to do subtly. Oh well. What’s done is done.
        posted by Fikirte @ 8:47 AM   Digg!
        • name<="c115261027902330838" id="c115261027902330838">

          At 5:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

          Yes, a lot of people are asking for the video replays. But the argument against it is that people want professional football to be the same game played everywhere - a ball, a field and a team. Simple, accessible, uniform ... beautiful.

        • name<="c115274239172160230" id="c115274239172160230">

          At 6:13 PM, Blogger modernemama said…

          This was The World Cup so surely here they should use all available technology?
          I'm sure Materazzi provoked ZZ big time. Still, it was a sorry end to a great career.

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