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        Wednesday, August 30, 2006
        Never mind women, improve the lives of donkeys!
        Certain charitable programs can't help trigger a "what the…" reaction however noble their intentions. I guess there is often a cultural factor to such a reaction, but still a sanctuary for donkeys??? I say again, what the…!

        However cool donkey's look and however cute their eyes are, a world-wide sanctuary for donkeys to "improve [the lives] of donkeys…" is pushing it a bit too far. Funding scholarships "to attend the 5th International Colloquium on Working Equines" is just ridiculous. This is not a joke! There is a UK based NGO called The Donkey Sanctuary which is organizing a seminar on donkeys in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

        We are actively seeking scholarship funding for up to 58 overseas delegates to attend the 5th International Colloquium on Working Equines being held in 2006 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

        • The Colloquium aims to promote and share knowledge and expertise about topical issues concerning working equines throughout the world.
        • Donkeys act as a lifeline to many communities, in particular within Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East, providing essential agricultural assistance and transportation solutions.
        • The Colloquium provides an ideal arena to promote the value of these and other equines
        • It covers a range of topics including sustainable methods of education and extension (long term improvements in equine care), welfare issues, animal legislation and environmental considerations.

        Caring for animals is all very good, but first things first please. Women in Africa do the donkey job of fetching firewood and water, but you don’t hear about a sanctuary for over worked and burnt out women.

        I urge the donkey seminar participants to go up to Entoto and see whether it is the women carrying firewood on their backs negotiating the steep roads or the donkeys that need the sanctuary.
        posted by Fikirte @ 4:54 PM   Digg!
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